Thursday, May 21, 2009

History pierced

lip piercing,sexy piercing,pierced

Where it came from this body art piercing? Results of research shows that since the days of old in some countries the jewelry in the body as a mode. Unlike the tattoo of a permanent, body jewelry can be replaced-change. Below are several types of body piercing and art history:

In the ear cartilage: Being from Africa, North America and South America, Indonesia, and India. Art is beauty and elegance cause.

In the ear: Arts pierced ear marks this change in the status of life membership of a group.

In cheek: The man from the Aleutian Islands pierced cheek when they hunt whales. With cheeks pierced with a fishing rod, they have a mustache like a dog to frighten the sea so that they are more successful hunting.

In the eye brow and navel: Egypt Population pierced using this as a sign consanguine blue.

On the nose: To the Indian, pierced nose reflect beauty.

Septum in the nose: Aboriginal tribe in Australia to use the bones to bones pierced septum that marks their combatant status.

On the lips: Being from Australia, New Guinea, Africa, India, North America and South America, and Indonesia. In religious ceremonies, pierced lips signify the child toward maturity word . This art also reflects the beauty of the face.

In the tongue: The Maya tongue in Peru perced when they hold their religious ceremonies to talk to their fathers.

In the nipple: In the 14th century, women Bavaria in Germany wearing diamond rings on the nipple and weave gold necklace. In the Roman era, the male nipple pierced status as a sign of masculine and daring.

In the genitals: Being from Southeast Asia, India, Greece, Italy, Samoa, China and Kalimantan. Basically, art is to increase the enjoyment in the related agencies.

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