Friday, December 10, 2010

Tragus Ring

tragus ring
Tragus ring shape up so pretty for this girl. has been like celebrity that is second to none. This form of many in the search for piercing fans love to see a lot of women are in men. Easy to use their own vertical at the time will be removed.
tragus stud
Tragus stud more beautiful and charming.
vertikal labret ring
Vertikal labret ring many new models.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lip Jewelry

lip jewelry
Lip jewelry designs for women inspiration live by conversational perfect style.

lip studs
Lip studs cool by women.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Nose Rings

nose rings
Nose ring for the artist to make more charming and very attractive when on stage or in front of the fan adds confidence.

nose piercings
Nose piercings top quality.

nose rings studs
Nose rings studs importer and manufacturer.
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